“Dorade Royale” (DE,USA,CAN), “Daurade Royale” (FR), “Orata” (IT), “Dorada” (ES,RUS),
“Dourada” (PT), “Goldbrasse” (DE), “Tsipoura” (GR)
In Ancient Greece Sea Bream or “Orata”, “Dorada” (meaning “Golden” in Italian and Spanish due to the golden colors between the eyes) was devoted to Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, as it was considered to be the most attractive and tastiest fish.
Its scientific name is Sparus aurata and it belongs to the Sparidae family. According to scientific literature, its length may reach 70 cm. and its weight 12 to 15 kilos! However, the most common weight in the Mediterranean is from 800g to 4-5 kg. It lives approximately for 10-11 years.
Sea Bream is a wide-ranging benthic species – that is, a fish that is met both in brackish as well as in salty waters and lives near the sea floor. It prefers sandy or muddy seabeds and seaweed beds; however, it can usually be found at a depth of up to 30 m., though the larger fish of the species usually move deeper (up to 150 m. depth). Its color is silver and its head in front and above its eyes is decorated with a bright golden arc that looks like a brow; hence, the names “gilthead”, “Dorade”, “Daurade”, “Orata” and “Dorada”.
It is spread all over the Mediterranean, in the Black Sea and the Eastern Atlantic Ocean from the British shores to Gibraltar and the Canary Islands. It is a carnivorous species, but also consumes vegetable matter as a consequence of its benthic diet. It commonly feeds on mollusks, mussels, and shellfish.
Sea Bream is consumed fresh, grilled, fried, boiled, or even steamed. Since antiquity it is considered to be one of the tastiest fish and a delectable dish.